Mobile Site Redo – Real Statistics

Do Mobile Sites Really Make A Difference? See Statistics.
Had a client who wanted a better version of their mobile site. They already had a good mobile version, but they wanted it to look even nicer and cleaner, and neater than their competitors. So with the help of my awesome coding specialist and suggestions from my client, we developed a much cleaner, nicer, and intelligently simple version of the site for mobile devices.
Check Out These Mobile Traffic Statistics
The difference between my posts and others is that I use real data and don’t lie or become ‘political’ with the truth in graphs and charts.
It’s been a week since it went live, and here are the before & after statistics so far.
Mobile Traffic Is On The Rise
Mobile traffic has risen by about 30% up from last year at this same time, it is the same throughout all of my client account. I am guessing that mobile traffic will be at about 70% next year on average for websites.
Last year, this client’s traffic from mobile devices was at 27%, and this year they are at 43%. It is the same across almost all my client accounts. The below stats are real estimates based on a bird’s eye view of my own client accounts.
- 80% of mobile traffic is from iphones
- 30% of iPhone users use Apple maps
- 50% of mobile leads come from Google maps
Google Desktop & Mobile Traffic Rankings Separated
Google has separated mobile and desktop traffic rankings. Anyone not having a mobile-optimized website is kicked out of mobile searches as of about May 2016.
You can now rank in position #7 for a keyword on a desktop and #1 for a keyword on a mobile device search in Google. being mobile optimized will soon be more than mandatory for all businesses. This is the perfect time for new businesses in large metro areas to get ahead of the game.
For my customers, you are already ahead of the game. 🙂