Writing a Perfect Web Page Description
Let’s say you want to be found for two keyphrases for a page, I’ll use Search Marketing Professional and Thomas J. Kane as examples. This could easily be any other type of service, just replace my words with your own.
If your title is something like this:
Nation’s Best Search Marketing Professional | Thomas J. Kane
….then you would want a description that repeats these keywords in about two original sentences, for a total of about 160 characters.
1. Take a look at the landing page for each of the keywords you want to be found for, look at other descriptions and think what would make yours more appealing than theirs.
2. Don’t use more than 160 characters.
3. Lean towards making the business sound like the best possible choice for the least amount of effort, time, and money.
Perfect Meta Description Example:
Thomas J. Kane is the nation’s best search marketing professional. Thomas offers premium SEO advice, eye-opening consultations, and family prices on search marketing.
I have described myself as the best for less… and visitors can even get premium advice from the best.
Selling The Service With Psychological Writing
You need to make yourself or your client seem like a leader in their industry, sell the service using adjectives, and don’t be afraid to promote yourself or your client as great if you really feel that’s what the service is.